Raja-Yoga - Chapter-1 - Introductory -2. - Swami Vivekananda : Chicago 1893
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, March 29, 2021. 09:53.AM. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER - I INTRODUCTORY-2. -------------------------------------------------------------- The science of Râja-Yoga proposes to put before humanity a practical and scientifically worked out method of reaching this truth. In the first place, every science must have its own method of investigation. If you want to become an astronomer and sit down and cry "Astronomy! Astronomy!" it will never come to you. The same with chemistry. A certain method must be followed. You must go to a laboratory, take different substances, mix them up, compound them, experiment with them, and out of that will come a knowledge of chemistry. If you want to be an astronomer, you must go to an observatory, take a telescope, study the stars and p...