Raja-Yoga - Chapter-1, Introductory-4. - Swami Vivekananda : Chicago 1893.
======================================================================== Sunday, May 09, 2021. 07:22.AM. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= CHAPTER - I INTRODUCTORY-4. -------------------------------------------------------------- So far, then, we see that in the study of this Raja-Yoga no faith or belief is necessary. Believe nothing until you find it out for yourself; that is what it teaches us. Truth requires no prop to make it stand. Do you mean to say that the facts of our awakened state require any dreams or imaginings to prove them? Certainly not. This study of Raja-Yoga takes a long time and constant practice. A part of this practice is physical, but in the main it is mental. As we proceed we shall find how intimately the mind is connected with the body. If we believe that the mind is simply a finer part of the body, and that mind acts upon the body, then i...