
Showing posts from February, 2023

Raja-Yoga - 1.11. Swami Vivekananda : Chicago 1893

========================================================================= Wednesday, February 08, 2023. 06:00. Volume-1. PATANJALI'S YOGA APHORISMS : CONCENTRATION: ITS SPIRITUAL USE POST-11. ========================================================================= Introduction continued The really difficult part to understand is that this state, the Absolute, which has been called the highest, is not, as some fear, that of the zoophyte or of the stone. According to them, there are only two states of existence, one of the stone, and the other of thought. What right have they to limit existence to these two? Is there not something infinitely superior to thought? The vibrations of light, when they are very low, we do not see; when they become a little more intense, they become light to us; when they become still more intense, we do not see them -- it is dark to us. Is the darkness in the end the same darkness as in the beginning? Certainly not; they are different as the two poles. Is...