
Showing posts from January, 2024

Raja-Yoga -( END) : Swami Vivekananda: Chicago 1893.

================================================================ Friday, 26  Jan 2024 05:30. RAJA YOGA ================================================================ PATANJALI'S YOGA APHORISMS APPENDIX REFERENCES TO YOGA :  ================================================================ Shvetashvatara Upanishad CHAPTER II ================================================================ अग्निर्यत्राभिमथ्यते वायुर्यत्राधिरुध्यते । सोमो यत्रातिरिच्यते तत्र सञ्जायते मनः ॥६॥ 6. Where the fire is rubbed, where the air is controlled, where the Soma flows over, there a (perfect) mind is created. त्रिरुन्नतं स्थाप्य समं शरीरं हृदीन्द्रियाणि मनसा सन्निवेश्य । ब्रह्मोडुपेन प्रतरेत विद्वान् स्रोतांसि सर्वाणि भयानकानि ॥८॥ 8. Placing the body in a straight posture, with the chest, the throat and the head held erect, making the organs enter the mind, the sage crosses all the fearful currents by means of the raft of Brahman. प्राणान् प्रपीड्येह संयुक्तचेष्टः क्षीणे प्राणे नासिकयोच्छ्वसीत ।...