Karma-Yoga : Ch-6. Part-3.



Part : 3.

Such, also will be the case with the doer of good; he will open himself to all the good waves that are in the atmosphere, and his good actions also will become intensified.

We run, therefore, a twofold danger in doing evil: first, we open ourselves to all the evil influences surrounding us; secondly, we create evil which affects others, may be hundreds of years hence.

In doing evil we injure ourselves and others also.

In doing good we do good to ourselves and to others as well; and, like all other forces in man, these forces of good and evil also gather strength from outside.

According to Karma-Yoga, the action one has done cannot be destroyed until it has borne its fruit; no power in nature can stop it from yielding its results.

If I do an evil action, I must suffer for it; there is no power in this universe to stop or stay it.

Similarly, if I do a good action, there is no power in the universe which can stop its bearing good results.

Swami Vivekananda

To be continued   ....


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