Karma-Yoga : Ch-6. Part-13.




To come back to one of our main points, we say that we cannot do good without at the same time doing some evil, or do evil without doing some good.

Knowing this, how can we work?

There have, therefore, been sects in this world who have in an astoundingly preposterous way preached slow suicide as the only means to get out of the world, because if a man lives, he has to kill poor little animals and plants or do injury to something or some one. So according to them the only way out of the world is to die.

The Jains have preached this doctrine as their highest ideal.

This teaching seems to be very logical.

But the true solution is found in the Gita.

It is the theory of non-attachment, to be attached to nothing while doing our work of life.

Know that you are separated entirely from the world, though you are in the world, and that whatever you may be doing in it, you are not doing that for your own sake. Any action that you do for yourself will bring its effect to bear upon you.

If it is a good action, you will have to take the good effect, and if bad, you will have to take the bad effect; but any action that is not done for your own sake, whatever it be, will have no effect on you.

Swami Vivekananda

To be continued  ...


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