Karma-Yoga : Ch-6. Part-9.



 Part : 9.

You will find various classes of men in this world.

 First, there are the God-men, whose self-abnegation is complete, and who do only good to others even at the sacrifice of their own lives.

These are the highest of men.

If there are a hundred of such in any country, that country need never despair.

But they are unfortunately too few.

Then there are the good men who do good to others so long as it does not injure themselves.

And there is a third class who, to do good to themselves, injure others.

It is said by a Sanskrit poet that there is a fourth unnamable class of people who injure others merely for injury's sake.

Just as there are at one pole of existence the highest good men, who do good for the sake of doing good, so, at the other pole, there are others who injure others just for the sake of the injury.

They do not gain anything thereby, but it is their nature to do evil.

Swami Vivekananda

 To be continued   ....



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