Karma-Yoga : Ch-8. Part-7.





But whatever be the source from which it is derived, their code of ethics also has the same central idea — not to think of self but to give up self.

And yet some persons, in spite of this high ethical idea, are frightened at the thought of having to give up their little personalities.

We may ask the man who clings to the idea of little personalities to consider the case of a person who has become perfectly unselfish, who has no thought for himself, who does no deed for himself, who speaks no word for himself, and then say where his "himself" is.

That "himself" is known to him only so long as he thinks, acts, or speaks for himself.

If he is only conscious of others, of the universe, and of the all, where is his "himself"? It is gone for ever.

Karma-Yoga, therefore, is a system of ethics and religion intended to attain freedom through unselfishness, and by good works.

The Karma-Yogi need not believe in any doctrine whatever.

He may not believe even in God, may not ask what his soul is, nor think of any metaphysical speculation.

He has got his own special aim of realising selflessness; and he has to work it out himself.

Every moment of his life must be realisation, because he has to solve by mere work, without the help of doctrine or theory, the very same problem to which the Jnani applies his reason and inspiration and the Bhakta his love.

Swami Vivekananda
To be continued  ...


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