Jnana-Yoga : 4-10.

CHAPTER-4. Maya and the Evolution of the Conception of God-10.
(Delivered in London, 20th October 1896)

A little love awoke in the hearts of mankind. It was very small indeed, and even now it is not much greater.
It was at first confined to a tribe embracing perhaps members of the same tribe; these gods loved their tribes and each god was a tribal god, the protector of that tribe.
And sometimes the members of a tribe would think of themselves as the descendants of their god, just as the clans in different nations think that they are the common descendants of the man who was the founder of the clan.
There were in ancient times, and are even now, some people who claim to be descendants not only of these tribal gods, but also of the Sun and the Moon.
You read in the ancient Sanskrit books of the great heroic emperors of the solar and the lunar dynasties.
Swami Vivekananda
To be continued ...


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